Jupiter in Aquarius: Act Two ~ 21 Jul 2021

Earlier this year Jupiter stormed through his first tenure of his revolutionary cycle in Aquarius and barreled ahead into Pisces where he offered a bit of an intermission from the focus on humankind and saving the world. In six days, on 28 July, he retrogrades back into Aquarius for the second act of play that is his time in the sign of the water bearer.

Jupiter returns direct on 18 October at 22 Aquarius (which is a notable positive degree for astrology and astrologers) and resumes a fast, direct run through the remainder of Aquarius. The big gas guy reenters Pisces again on 29 December... setting the stage for the year to come and preparing for conjunctions in Pisces with the dwarf planet Gonggong on 18 January and his gaseous giant bro, Neptune, on 12 April 2022.

Back to the point, this year started out with Aquarian vibes initiated late in 2020. Vaccines became available for the willing and the cases of the coronavirus plunged. Political and economic shifts resulted from both Jupiter and Saturn departing Capricorn and moving into Aquarius. But now, with Jupiter in Pisces, curious concerns about the direction of the economy, politics and the coronavirus yet again dives in for its next bite of humankind. An added effect with Jupiter retracing the very early degrees of Pisces, billionaires Branson and Bezos scratched the surface of commercializing space - a hot button topic in its own right.

All of these considerations... the state of the planet, global health, collective economy, world politics are ferociously polarized as anyone with access to the Internet or news realizes. Now, Jupiter’s return to Aquarius is a reminder to all that with his gaseous giant colleague Saturn, they actually do intend to make the world a better place. And in but days, the barometer shifts away from amplified reactions to everything (Jupiter in Pisces) to let’s fix this planet we live on once and for all... before... you know... Pluto gets to Aquarius and forces us to contend with everything globally ignored or denied... because that’s how he is. Jupiter stresses we want to be ready for positive propitiation for Pluto.

Back in the days when protests in the United States were abundant against the Vietnam War, the musical Hair debuted, and with it the song, Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius was touted and the promise of a better world for all could potentially be on the horizon. Jupiter, returning to Aquarius, says, “Yeah, that’s it. A better world. All for the greater good. A consensus of cool consciousness... choices for a conscious, cooperative planet.” It’s true. That’s the vibe that’s coming back to polish off the balance of 2021 courtesy of Jupiter.

“Fine,” sneers Saturn, “Then act like it. Stop being a single cell monad messing up the big picture.” Saturn means it. Sure some feelings are hurt by his stern declarations of the real world, but as both the ringed wonders turn direct in mid-October, he reminds all to: “Act like Jupiter in Aquarius. Instead of being part of the problem, create some damn applicable solutions, will you?”

“It’s true,” Jupiter concedes in a sotto moment. “Protesting and carrying signs is not as effective as developing a device to retrieve plastic from the ocean. Shouting online regardless of the platform does not do as much good as physically writing the text of a law, or protocol or doctrine that serves the best interest of the planet and the people on it. Solutions supersede complaint.”

Jupiter, as he executes the second act of his play, encourages all to be the best human they can be. That bumper sticker of “Think Globally, Act Locally,” Jupiter wants to modify to read: “Think Universally, Act Consciously.” Jupiter points out that if this planet is to evolve, each and every person upon it must do something... anything to enact their karmic purpose for riding Spaceship Earth. Doing so now benefits all more simply than say when Pluto forces that hand.

Here’s another thing to realize: We’re all on the planet together - except maybe those who slip off to the edge of space to escape - and each person contributes to the fate of the planet. So pick a Jupiter transit to any planet in your chart while he’s in Aquarius and go grandiose... without unnecessary drama, mind you. Think of your best skills. How can something you naturally do work in favor of everything turning out better for the planet? Could it be so simple as to go to a city council meeting and offer an outline of a constructive agenda? Could it be making an infomercial and podcasting it? Could it be using Instagram as a tool of spreading consciousness? Could it be you helping a downtrodden soul? Whatever it is, do something to enact the progress of the planet.

Eris and Pluto are fixing to square again Aries to Capricorn, next on 26 August with both dwarf planets retrograde - then again on 9 October with Pluto direct and Eris retrograde. One thing to note here first, Eris transits played a huge part in the isolation of humankind during 2020. Both these times could signify more imposed coronavirus related restrictions, particularly October as Jupiter and Saturn slow in diurnal motion preparing for their respective stations. In reality, Saturn points out, it’s a factor of how the individuals responded to their perception of the collective significance of the pandemic.

Anyway, per Pluto and Eris, the planet cannot afford for anyone to feel forgotten, left out, excluded or diminished in any way. Again, with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, think big for progressive inclusion solutions. The significance of these times is notably important. If we want Jupiter and Saturn to bring on the new age instead of Pluto, it’s time to start getting on with the getting on... before the curtain falls. Start with simple acts. Do good deeds. Conjure solid solutions. Locate orbital opportunities that fit your karmic trajectory!

More soon.